All residents of the city are one family and help each other.
The eldest residents meet once a month for discussions.
Racial Relationship
Black and white people live together in love and give
a peacefuly good example worldwide.
We have great understanding and respect for each others opinion.
ONEWORLDGHANA equiped with MADE IN GERMANY technology.
The gutters are closed with flowerpots. The streets have no potholes,
because we build with a special streeet -panel.
The protection of environment is the helper for a longer life.
This Group is the first free NON-SMOKER and free of alcohol Group of the world.
No gasoline-car can drive inside.
Only small solar- and electric car or handtrucks have free access,
because of this rule we protect the environment.
Advice for better and healtier life is offered by the eldest of the Group.
At most one day in the week is meat day,
the other days you live optionally vegetarian.
All residents believe in GOD and keep the Sunday holy.
All residents are the owners of the House of GOD.
With the name MBL of GOD church, International, Gomoa Ankamu
The pastor is Peace one of the residents and leads
the christians of different Religions, in praise of God.